Volume 1 (1996)


The Multidimensional Ethics Scale is an eight-item, three-subscale measure developed in Reidenbach and Robin (1990) and subsequently applied in at least ten empirical studies of business ethics. Despite two failed replication studies and two skeptical critiques, business ethics researchers continue to use the scale. Given the lingering uncertainty about the scale and its continued use in empirical research, a definitive critique and revalidation study is warranted. After an examination of the previously published works and new criticisms of Reidenbach and Robin (1990), a revalidation study sensitive to these criticisms is described. Then, a revised, fourteenitem, five-subscale measure is presented. Results of confirmatory factor analyses and tests of predictive validity against three univariate ethics measures show the superior predictive and face validities of this revised measure. Such critique and revalidation studies, by ensuring the continuing soundness of scales created for use in empirical research, certify the tools that marketing scholars use to create marketing knowledge.


Hyman, M (1996), "A Critique and Revision of the Multidimensional Ethics Scale", Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, Vol. 1, No. 1